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Ielts essay questions

Ielts essay questions

ielts essay questions

Take a look at some common essay topics for IELTS task 2 test below: IELTS writing task 2 topics on education; IELTS task 2 questions on globalisation; IELTS task 2 questions on equality; IELTS task 2 questions about the environment IELTS task 2 questions on technology Task 2 questions on travel and rransport; Task 2 questions on healthEstimated Reading Time: 8 mins 24/1/ · GT IELTS Essay Questions (Sept January ) 1. Some people believe that celebrating personal events is a waste of money. Others feel that these celebrations play an important role in the lives of individuals and in society as a blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins 1) Common IELTS Essay Questions. IELTS practice essay questions divided by topic. These topics have been reported by IELTS students in their tests. Essay questions have been recreated as accurately as possible. Art (5 essay questions) Business & Money (17 essay questions) Communication & Personality (17 essay questions) Crime & Punishment (12 essay questions)

IELTS Essay Topics for IELTS Writing - My IELTS Classroom Blog

These are IELTS essay questions from as posted by candidates who have taken the test. If you have taken the IELTS test recently, then you can post your question for other students to look at. Simply fill out the form at the bottom of the page to post the essay question and it will then be posted on the current year. Unless otherwise stated, the latest IELTS writing topic given is from the Academic Module. If it is from a General Test it will say. The questions may also give you a country, which is where the person who posted it took the test.

But the same question will likely have appeared in other countries as well. Some people think that formal education should start for children as early as possible. While others think that it should not start until 7 years of age. It is not necessary to travel to other places to learn about other cultures of other people, ielts essay questions.

We can learn just as much from books, films, and the internet. Ielts essay questions people argue that arts, such as paintings and music, are a waste of money ielts essay questions the government should spend this money on other public services. Nowadays it is common for people to get married and have children in their thirties rather than when they are younger. Demand for gas and oil is increasing and so finding new sources in remote and untouched areas is a necessity.

India - General Ielts essay questions. Iran - General Training. UAE - General Training. Some people believe that after a child enters school their teachers will have more influence than their parents. Identify one or two serious ones and suggest ways that governments and individuals can tackle these problems.

In the past, lectures were used as a way of teaching large numbers of students, but now with the development of technology for education, many people think there is no justification for attending lectures.

Some people think that public libraries are not necessary whereas others believe that they are essential for people. Nowadays people get married and have kids in their thirties rather then when they ielts essay questions younger.

Does the educational success of a person depend on the teacher or it the attitude ielts essay questions the student? Ukraine - General Training. Nowadays, ielts essay questions, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world.

Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than ielts essay questions between people from different cultures. Fossil fuels e, ielts essay questions.

coals, oil and gas are the main source of energy for most countries, ielts essay questions. However, alternative sources of energy e. wind and solar have been encouraged to be used by some countries. What is the cause of this? What measures can the international community take to meet this demand? Many companies sponsor sports as a way of advertising themselves. Some people think that it is good thing, while others think that it has disadvantages. More and more people want to own items, such as cars, clothing and other things, that are made by famous brands, ielts essay questions.

Saudi Arabia - General Training. Nowadays, adults do little exercise. Some people believe that the best way to address this issue is by covering great sports events such as the Olympics on television. Others think that it is more beneficial to take other measures, ielts essay questions.

Some people think that teenagers should follow what the old people say whereas some believe that it is good for teenage people to challenge what old people say. Some people are happy to spend the whole of their life living in the same area, ielts essay questions. However, others prefer to live in many different areas over their life time. These days some people spend a lot of money on tickets to go to sporting or cultural events. Experts say older people were happier and healthier in the past because they did more exercise and spent more time with family and friends, whereas now many suffer loneliness and health problems.

At the present time, the population of some countries includes a relatively large number of young adults, compared with the number of older people. Some people believe that to be a successful sportsperson, one needs to have a natural ability.

Others think that hard work and practice are more important. Today much of the food people eat gets transported from farms that are thousands of miles away. Some people ielts essay questions it would be better for the environment and the ielts essay questions if people only consumed food produced by local farmers, ielts essay questions.

The qualities and skills that a person requires to become successful in today's world cannot be learned at a university or other academic institutions. Some people think that prison sentences should not be used in dealing with criminals. Education and job training should be used instead. Nowadays more and more business meetings and business training are taking place online. Some people from poor and rural backgrounds find it difficult to get a university education.

Universities have to make it easier, especially for such groups, to get into them. Some people think that it is the responsibility of governments to take care of the environment, while others believe that it is the responsibility of people to take care of the environment. Some parents prefer to send their children to preschool while others ielts essay questions they should stay at home until they are older.

Young adults should contribute to their communities by doing unpaid work in their free time. These days many families move to other ielts essay questions for work. Some people believe that the children in these families benefit from this move. However, others believe that it makes life more difficult for the children. Universities should develop methods to support students who come from rural and disadvantageous backgrounds.

Libraries should be shut down as better alternatives are available. In many countries people are living in a "throwaway society" where things are used for a short time and thrown away. What are the causes of this ielts essay questions what problems does it lead to? Shopping is now one of the most popular forms of leisure activity in many countries for young adults.

These days many children spend a lot of their time playing computer games but little time doing sports. Some people think that one of the best ways to solve environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel for cars and other vehicles.

These days many ielts essay questions move abroad for work. Some people believe that this benefits the children in these families. Others believe that it makes their lives more difficult. Some people believe that teenagers are facing more problems in ielts essay questions life than they did in the past and this is because parents are spending more time at work than at home. Do you agree or disagree?

Some people say it is manufactures and supermarkets responsibility to reduce the amount of packaging of products they sell and others say it is the consumers responsibility to avoid buying products with too much packaging. These days, many people have their own computer and telephone, so it is quite easy for them to do their job at home.

In a lot of countries today, people can buy a wider range of household goods, such as microwaves, ielts essay questions, televisions, or rice cookers, than ever before. Some people say that parents should places restrictions on the hours their children spend watching TV and playing computer games, and encourage them to spend this time reading books instead. Some people believe that all teenagers should have to do unpaid work during their free time in order to help the local community.

They think this would benefit the teenagers doing the unpaid work but also society as a whole. Some countries are struggling with an increase in the rate of crime. Many people think that having more police on the streets is the only way to reduce these increasing levels of crime. Some people think parents should supervise their children's activities closely, while others believe children should have more freedom.

More and more people are becoming seriously overweight, ielts essay questions. Some people say that increasing the price of fattening foods will solve this problem.

To what extend do you agree or disagree? Some people believe that to reduce the amount of time people spend commuting travelling to workparks and gardens close to city centres should be replaced by apartment buildings for commuters to live in. However, others disagree with this. Some believe that it is the responsibility of people to take care of the environment. Others say it is the government that should take care of the environment.

Kuwait - General Training. Some people believe that the increasing number of vehicles is one of the biggest problem facing cities, while others believe that cities have bigger challenges. These days, mobile phones and the internet are very important to the ways in which people relate to one another socially.

Scientists believe that in order to protect the environment, people must use less energy in their daily lives. However, most people have not changed the way they live, ielts essay questions. Films and computer games which contain violence are very popular. Some people believe they have a negative effect on society and so should be banned. Other people, however, say they are just harmless and help people to relax.

Some people think that higher institutions should concentration more on academic subjects such as history and the physical sciences, ielts essay questions, while others think that they should concentrate more on practical subjects such as car mechanics and cookery, etc, ielts essay questions.

General Training.

IELTS Writing: Task 2 Questions and Answers

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50 Recent IELTS Essay Questions - My IELTS Classroom Blog

ielts essay questions

17/5/ · This means using either questions from the IELTS Cambridge series, Makkar Task 2 or questions that were created by the exam writer like the ones in my IELTS essay question posts. However, many students love to practice the recent IELTS exam essay questions, that is, topics that have been reported by those recently passed the exams 24/1/ · GT IELTS Essay Questions (Sept January ) 1. Some people believe that celebrating personal events is a waste of money. Others feel that these celebrations play an important role in the lives of individuals and in society as a blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Take a look at some common essay topics for IELTS task 2 test below: IELTS writing task 2 topics on education; IELTS task 2 questions on globalisation; IELTS task 2 questions on equality; IELTS task 2 questions about the environment IELTS task 2 questions on technology Task 2 questions on travel and rransport; Task 2 questions on healthEstimated Reading Time: 8 mins

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