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Drugs and alcohol essay

Drugs and alcohol essay

drugs and alcohol essay

Drugs and alcohol have a negative impact on the lives of college students. Ashley Miller of Demand Media writes that “22 percent of college students admitted to using illicit drugs, and percent of college students identified as heavy drinkers” (Miller 1). There are many negative effects involved with using drugs and alcohol in college  · Drugs and alcohol have been in act since a very long time. They have been portrayed and considered cool. There are many movies, TV shows and videos in which acts like smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol and doing drugs are put out for millions of audiences including young children, teenagers and adults. This has influenced many young children (12 years and older), teenagers and adults to get high on dangerous drugs and alcohol /5(38)  · Drugs and alcohol are not worth dying over. Teenagers are less likely to abuse drugs and alcohol if they are supported, and if their friends and families help with prevention. Adults, especially parents, can set a good example for teenagers by not abusing drugs and alcohol. Parents need to set a good example for their teenager

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Essay - Words | Bartleby

Home — Essay Samples — Health drugs and alcohol essay Teenage Drug Abuse — Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among Teenagers. That means drugs and alcohol essay 55 million underage teens are using alcohol, drugs or smoking.

Teens in the United States use various types of drugs like marijuana, prescription medication and alcohol. These drugs can cause poor mental health, physical health or even death. There are drugs and alcohol essay to prevent teens from using drugs including setting a good example at home, drugs and alcohol essay, keeping track of prescription medications, and establishing rules and expectations.

Many teens abuse drugs, which can cause a huge impact on their life but with help and support, teens can prevent or overcome their addiction. This problem continues to grow every year. Alcohol use is becoming more of a problem for teenagers. Teenagers are using and abusing alcohol at alarming rates. Data from a study shows that close 20 percent of 10th graders and about 30 percent of 12th graders said that they have consumed alcohol in the last 30 days.

Also, drugs and alcohol essay, 10 percent of sophomores and 17 percent of 12th graders said that they have binged, which means they have had five or more drinks in a row for 2 straight weeks. This means if a teenager starts drinking earlier in life, they have a better chance of abusing alcohol when they are older. Marijuana is an illicit drug that is commonly used by teenagers.

Sterling wrote about his own teenage drug abuse. Sterling said that he smoked marijuana almost daily since he was in 11th grade. Sterling drank alcohol as well, drugs and alcohol essay, but marijuana was easier to get.

Sterling also talked about not remembering much about high school because he was always high. Marijuana is easily available to most high schoolers. Once they start using it, drugs and alcohol essay, they find it very hard to stop. The quickly become addicted. Prescription medications are abused by teenagers for different reasons including self-medication, performance enhancement, or simply just to get high. Drugs like Adderall, when used properly, can have positive outcomes for teens that really need them.

Once these type drugs start being abused, teens struggle to stop using them. Teenagers struggle daily with the pressure to keep up with friends, in classes, drugs and alcohol essay, and in sports. This peer pressure often leads them to start using illegal drugs and to start drinking. This abuse will continue until teenagers can better handle pressure. The effects of drugs drugs and alcohol essay alcohol on teenagers can be life-changing or even devastating. Drug and alcohol use can cause teens to make poor choices, increase their chance of accidents and even cause them to commit suicide, drugs and alcohol essay.

Sterling wrote about the damage that drugs and alcohol did to his body. The damage that is done, to areas like the liver and the heart, cannot be reversed so it can cause lifelong problems.

Drug and alcohol abuse can cause teenagers to make poor decisions because their mental state is not clear. Smoking marijuana has been shown to cause mental illness. Teens that use marijuana heavily have a 6 times better chance of developing schizophrenia. If a teen starts to use marijuana early in life, it can affect their emotional development and increases their chance of developing depression, anxiety and other mental health problems.

Keller Mental health professionals have seen a connection between depression and drug and alcohol abuse. Drugs can cause the user to act differently making the user aggressive, drugs and alcohol essay and even violent. Actions like this can lead to even bigger problems. The death rate for teens that are dying from drug and alcohol abuse continues to rise every year. Examples of this include permanent brain damage associated with inhalants, heart attack or stroke from stimulants and halted breathing from sedatives.

Sterling wrote about what he thought would happen if he kept using. He would either end up dead or in prison. Sterling thought he would overdose, drugs and alcohol essay, get killed, drugs and alcohol essay, kill someone else or commit suicide.

The physical and mental changes that occur from substance abuse cannot be reversed. Teenagers need to know the serious harm that they are drugs and alcohol essay to their bodies and their minds.

Drugs and alcohol are not worth dying over. Teenagers are less likely to abuse drugs and alcohol if they are supported, and if their friends and families help with prevention. Adults, especially parents, can set a good example for teenagers by not abusing drugs and alcohol. Parents need to set a good example for their teenager.

If they drink a lot and use painkillers, their kids will probably do it too. The way a parent views alcohol and drug use and abuse play a big role in how their children will develop ideas about using them. Parents need to realize that their teenager is learning from them.

If they make bad choices, their teen feels like it is okay to make bad choices as well. Parents need to keep track of prescription drugs that are kept in the house.

This will hold the teenager more accountable if the drugs do go missing. Parents need to know what drugs and alcohol are kept in the house. Some parents even allow children to use drugs at home or to share drugs that the parents have in the home. The parent feels like this is safer because they know where their teenager is when they are using. This is not a good choice and only causes more problems for the teenager.

If adults keep a close eye on what is in the house, they will have a better idea of what is leaving the house or being used in the house. If parents set clear rules and expectations for their teenager, they will help their teen make smarter choices about drug and alcohol use.

The teen might feel less likely to use because they know how much trouble they can get in at home and with the police, drugs and alcohol essay. If parents clearly explain the effects of drug use to their teenager as well as their expectations if they are caught using, drug use has been shown to decrease. Sterling wrote about how he once tried to break up a fight between his brother, who was drugs and alcohol essay, and his father.

His father accidentally hit him in the nose. After that night, his father never said a word to him or his drugs and alcohol essay about drugs and alcohol essay addiction. His father did not set a good example by not stopping him from using. Parents need to make sure that there are tough consequences if their teen gets caught drinking or using drugs.

As shown by this research, many teens abuse drugs and alcohol. There are numerous types of drugs that can be abused, drugs and alcohol essay. These include alcohol, prescription drugs and marijuana. They are usually easy for teens to get so they can be easily abused. Abuse can also lead to death. Parents can help stop their teenager from abusing drugs and alcohol.

They need to set a good example and have rules and consequences if their teen gets caught. Drugs and alcohol need to be kept out of the house if the parents cannot keep track of it. The effects of drug and alcohol abuse are long lasting. Everyone around the abuser suffers. Imagine how you would feel if one of your friends died from abuse? Or how would your parents feel if their child abused drugs and alcohol? It is not worth the risk. Do not be the person to take that risk.

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Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among Teenagers: [Essay Example], words GradesFixer

drugs and alcohol essay

Drugs and alcohol have a negative impact on the lives of college students. Ashley Miller of Demand Media writes that “22 percent of college students admitted to using illicit drugs, and percent of college students identified as heavy drinkers” (Miller 1). There are many negative effects involved with using drugs and alcohol in college  · Drugs and alcohol are not worth dying over. Teenagers are less likely to abuse drugs and alcohol if they are supported, and if their friends and families help with prevention. Adults, especially parents, can set a good example for teenagers by not abusing drugs and alcohol. Parents need to set a good example for their teenager  · Drug and Alcohol Abuse Analytical Essay Introduction. For along time now, drug and alcohol abuse in the society has been a problem that affects the youth and Conclusion. Drug and alcohol abuse among the youth in the society should be discouraged and voided at

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